
Armando Alleyne—Painter, Poet

Order A Few of My Favorites Long Sleeve by Other Means here

Biography, Artist’s Book and more:

Order my artist’s book: 
A Few of My Favorites by Armando Alleyne

Winner of The Most Beautiful Swiss Books Award by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, in 2021 (awarded in 2022).

Published by Edition Patrick Frey, 2021
With an essay by Tiona Nekkia McClodden
With a contribution by Sedon Paul Pepper
Co-edited by Stephanie Rebonati & Laura Serejo Genes
Book design by Other Means

Softcover, 244 pages, 155 images
ISBN: 978-3-907236-25-3

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—Artist Statement & Biography

“I don’t only focus on jazz musicians. I also paint my family or iconic personalities such as Félix Trinidad, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Amadou Diallo and The Notorious B.I.G. who in one rendition is carrying the cross with Etta James as an angel. In a painting collage of Biggie, I placed a Tropicana Juice packaging where a handkerchief would be. With the jazz musicians I’d do the same; I collage cereal and cracker boxes to the subject matter. This reflects my belief that music is fortifying.” 
—Armando Alleyne, 2019

Armando Alleyne’s painted and collaged renditions of jazz musicians, Afro-Latin singers, boxers, but also family members and friends have a rhythm all-their-own. Parallel to his practice of painting portraits of Black icons, he allows elements of his lived experience to take form in his work. Never shying away from the seminal, the sensual or the political, Alleyne’s lifetime of paintings tell a story of how we are subject to our city and how in it we can search for the tools to heal. Armando Alleyne (b. 1959, New York) grew up in Lower Manhattan and graduated from The City College of New York with a B.A. in Education and Fine Arts, in 1983. He lives and works in Brooklyn.


Alleyne’s work has most recently been shown in the group exhibition “RicanVisions: Global Ancestralities and Embodied Futures” curated by Ana-Hilda Figueroa de Jesús, Andrea Sofia Matos & Xavier Robles Armas at The Latinx Project at New York University. His most recent solo exhibitions were held at Carracci Art in New York: the 2023 show “Moments of Admiration,” curated by Clarence Johns and “Body and Soul,” curated by Nicole Mouriño and Clarence Johns. Alleyne was also included in “Refuge,” an online group show curated by Nicole Mouriño for 440 Gallery in the summer of 2020. Throughout the decades, his work has been shown at Sage Center Harlem, Gallery M, Chi Chiz, the Bronx River Gallery, Clover's Fine Art Gallery, Metropolitan Community Church, Sarah Lawrence College, the Jazz Gallery and Black Lawyers Association, among others.

– Publications

Alleyne’s first artist’s book, A Few of My Favorites, was published by Edition Patrick Frey, in 2021. In 2023, Alleyne’s art and poetry were included in When Language Broke Open: An Anthology of Queer & Trans Black Writers of Latin American Descent, edited by Alan Pelaez Lopez, a 2022-2023 Miriam Jiménez Román Fellow. The volume centers on the writing, visual, and graphic art of 44 contemporary writers across Latin America, the Caribbean, and their diasporas. Alleyne has illustrated numerous publications including Blackheart 2: The Prison Issue—A Journal of Writing and Graphics by Black Gay Men (1984), Black Music, Black Poetry: Blues and Jazz's Impact on African American Versification (Gordon E. Thompson, 2014), Kwanzaa in the Gay and Lesbian Family (Imani Rashid, 2011) and Saving the World from Self–Or Should I Say Selfishness (Philip Regman, 2010).


January 31 – May 2, 2025
Group exhibition “RicanVisions: Global Ancestralities and Embodied Futures” curated by Ana-Hilda Figueroa de Jesús, Andrea Sofia Matos & Xavier Robles Armas. The Latinx Project at New York University, galleries on the first and third floors of 20 Cooper Square.

April 21, 2024, 6–8pm
Let’s Talk Books with Edition Patrick Frey! Mini book performances at Bungee Space in the Lower East Side. Armando Alleyne performs together with Sedon Paul Pepper, a close collaborator, and Laura Serejo Genes who co-edited A Few of My Favorites

April 13, 2024, 5–6pm
Cover Collage Workshop with Armando Alleyne. Other Islands Book Fair at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

April 10, 2024, 6–7:30pm (Virtual)
Queer and Trans Afro-Latinx Voices: Join us for an online panel celebrating the publication of When Language Broke Open: An Anthology of Queer & Trans Black Writers of Latin American Descent, edited by Alan Pelaez Lopez.

February 10 – March 11, 2023 
Solo exhibition “Moments of Admiration” curated by Clarence Johns. Carracci Art, New York, NY

May 20 – June 25, 2022
Solo exhibition “Body and Soul” curated by Nicole Mouriño and Clarence Johns. Carracci Art, New York, NY

May 20, 2022
Book Party & Opening Reception at Carracci Art, 368 Broadway, #305, New York, NY 10013, 6-8pm

February 17, 2022
Freel Library Author Talk Series: Artistic Development and Contextual (Hi)Stories by Armando Alleyne, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts


October 12, 2022
“Armando Alleyne Remembers Lunchtime with Basquiat” by Michael A. Cummings for Interview Magazine

December 7, 2021
“Armando Alleyne: A Few of My Favorites [REVIEW]” by Nicole Mouriño for Intervenxions, the online publication of The Latinx Project at NYU

July 23, 2020
“In new exhibit, artists interpret forms of ‘refuge’” by Sara Krevoy for the Brooklyn Downtown Star

Images: Armando Alleyne “A Few of My Favorites” (monograph), courtesy of Edition Patrick Frey.


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